Regarding Cheryl Schatz:

Cheryl Schatz has been a friend and ministry associate of ours for many years. She is an excellent apologist and bible teacher and authored the DVD set "Women in Ministry, Silenced or Set Free?".Matt Slick of CARM disagreed with Cheryl's teachings on Women, became critical of both her teachings and her, personally. Matt Slick and his associate, Diane Sellner attacked Cheryl to the point where she requested a Matthew 18:18-20 meeting with Matt, hoping for resolution in a Christian manner.

Both Matt Slick and Cheryl Schatz have agreed to stop the public criticism from the time of the meeting. However, the attacks on Cheryl are continuing and circulating. Cheryl is an honorable person of high integrity and will be vindicated in the end. Keith and I continue to support her and uphold her in prayer during this time, endorse her ministry, and value her partnership with us, along with her husband Richard. For further information please read Cheryl's statement linked below.

In Christ, Keith & Lorri MacGregor.


Public Statement regarding the Cheryl Schatz

initiated Matthew 18 meeting with Matt Slick (CARM).



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