What makes these groups different then biblical Christianity?



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From Creation to Eternity

The Watchtower Fairytale

Around the world every day there are thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses calling on homes or standing on street corners offering their magazines and books. Who are these people, what is the message they bring? Is it Christian?

If one gets into a discussion with them one finds they seem to have a knowledge of the Bible, and an answer for everything . They will even bring up points you may agree with, but is there something wrong?

Most Bible-believing Christians have a reasonable view of the overall Bible message, knowing Christ came to save them. Even many non-believers have some knowledge of the Biblical message. But what about these JW's at the door, do they not come with the "Christian" gospel message or do they have another gospel? What do they really believe? Where did they come from, and should one take them seriously and get involved in a "bible?" study with them?


Lets have an overall look at their peculiar gospel:



In the mid 1800's the Seventh-day Adventist message, focusing on Christ's imminent second coming, was being proclaimed. From within that movement Charles T. Russell and N.H. Barbor were printing articles together proclaiming the date of the Lord's return. In the early 1870's they came to a parting of the ways when Russell insisted that he knew that Christ was coming back in 1874, and Barbor chose another date.

Russell, a small town merchant in his mid 20's, set out to inform the world of his new light on when Jesus would return. With some experience in the writing and printing business, he set in motion what would become today's "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society," known also as Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's).

In the early days, his messages were a mix of orthodox Christianity, SDA teachings and then his own "new light" he supposedly gleaned from the Bible. Since then the movement has had many changes, and every scriptural "new light" they receive brings more changes, and a further moving away from Biblical truth.

What do they really believe? A study of their printed materials reveals a strange interpretation of the Bible. Many JW's have never thought through what they actually believe. So you know, and can share with them in simple logic, let's look at the JW message.


The one GOD, who lives in heaven somewhere near the planet Paladies is known to them by the name "Jehovah".

At a point in time, Jehovah created a "secondary" god known in the heavens as the Archangel Michael. He was also know as "Jesus", when he came to earth.


This god /Archangel Michael was responsible under Jehovah's direction to create everything else in the universe.


When the baby Jesus was to be born on earth the "life force" (whatever that is) was transferred to the baby Jesus and Michael ceased to exist.

This JW Jesus grew up, and at about age 30 began his ministry. Only at age 30 was he "Jesus Christ".


About three years later he was crucified on a stake, (not a cross) and died and was buried in a tomb.







While there his body was dissolved into gasses, and disappeared forever. The earthly JW Jesus Christ ceased to exist, but his "life force" was transferred somehow back to the Archangel Michael again in heaven.



A few days later Michael materialized a body, and appeared to the disciples. He made this "spirit body" look like Jesus so they would know he had been resurrected from the dead.

Shortly after he returned back to heaven where he remained until he was supposed to return to earth in 1874.




When this date failed, Old Testament Biblical dates were invented by the JW's, and it was figured out it was really to be sometime before 1914 for his actual return.




When Christ failed to show up on their date, it was adjusted to sometime after 1914. Not wanting to admit they were false prophets, they got "new light" that Christ had returned "invisibly" in 1914.



During this time the leadership claimed to be getting revelations from God via angels. and all the time they claimed their organization was the only true religion on earth directed by God.



Somehow the President of the organization, now Judge Rutherford, was getting more messages at the same time.

In 1929 he wrote a book called "Prophecy" and on page 65 he claimed he had "absolute scriptural proof" that Christ had really come back in 1874.

This book was faithfully sold to the public until about 1953. By then 1874 date had been trashed and replaced with 1914.



Today, every JW overlooking all this confusion, will claim Christ returned invisibly in 1914, and is supposed to come again at the time of Armageddon.

Just recently they also stopped teaching Christ would come within one generation of 1914. Time ran out on them again.


This biblical event of Armageddon has been proclaimed by this non-prophet group to occur in 1874, 1879, 1914, 1925, the 1940s, 1975, 2000, and now, "any day".

This group, who claims to be speaking for God as His only mouthpiece on earth, has indeed a very poor record.

The Bible calls such ones "false prophets".


What is their hope for the future? Ask any JW today and they will tell you Armageddon could come any day now, and if you are not a member of their organization you will not have any hope of surviving.

All non-JW's will be annihilated, zapped into non-existence. For those who have obeyed every rule of the organization, put in lots of time in the door-to-door work, promoted their books, solicited donations, and attended five weekly meetings--they just may survive armageddon into a demolished world.

If so, it will be their job to clean up all the rubble left, bury the dead (almost 6 billion corpses) re-populate the world, and obey the rules set out by the 144,000 JWs who were good enough to really get to heaven.


At the same time they must preach the WT gospel to all who never heard the WT message before armageddon who will be resurrected (re-created from Jehovah's memory) during a 1000-year period. Any rebellion to these leaders, or anyone failing to accept the WT message during this time, will result in their being immediately annihilated.


At the end of this 1000-year period, JW's believe Satan will be let loose and will deceive many, who will also be destroyed utterly. Those JW's who survive the 1000- year period will enter "eternity", but will still be subject to all these rules. They will never have "eternal life" as any rebellion will result in a zap, and everlasting destruction.


If you think this is a strange and peculiar "gospel". you are right. Anyone with even limited knowledge of the Christian faith will recognize this is NOT the Bible message.

Jehovah's Witnesses have the wrong Jesus Christ, and a wrong view of salvation, and a wrong view of death and the resurrection.

Next time you are talking to a JW ask him what his hope really is. Explain the above to him, and try to get him to admit that this is the hope presented by the WT organization. Most have never looked at the whole picture all at once and seen it as it really is, slavery for all eternity to the Watchtower organization.

Remind him that if he has the wrong Jesus Christ, then he is wrong for all eternity. Share your own testimony of a relationship with a loving Savior and what Christ means to you.


For those who want the "text" only from this article

without the cartoons you can copy and print out the text following:


From Creation to Eternity

The Watchtower Fairytale

Around the world every day there are thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses calling on homes or standing on street corners offering their magazines and books. Who are these people, what is the message they bring? Is it Christian?

If one gets into a discussion with them one finds they seem to have a knowledge of the Bible, and an answer for everything . They will even bring up points you may agree with, but is there something wrong?

Most Bible-believing Christians have a reasonable view of the overall Bible message, knowing Christ came to save them. Even many non-believers have some knowledge of the Biblical message. But what about these JW's at the door, do they not come with the "Christian" gospel message or do they have another gospel? What do they really believe? Where did they come from, and should one take them seriously and get involved in a "bible?" study with them?

Lets have an overall look at their peculiar gospel:

In the mid 1800's the Seventh-day Adventist message, focusing on Christ's imminent second coming, was being proclaimed. From within that movement Charles T. Russell and N.H. Barbor were printing articles together proclaiming the date of the Lord's return. In the early 1870's they came to a parting of the ways when Russell insisted that he knew that Christ was coming back in 1874, and Barbor chose another date.

Russell, a small town merchant in his mid 20's, set out to inform the world of his new light on when Jesus would return. With some experience in the writing and printing business, he set in motion what would become today's "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society," known also as Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's). In the early days, his messages were a mix of orthodox Christianity, SDA teachings and then his own "new light" he supposedly gleaned from the Bible. Since then the movement has had many changes, and every scriptural "new light" they receive brings more changes, and a further moving away from Biblical truth.

What do they really believe? A study of their printed materials reveals a strange interpretation of the Bible. Many JW's have never thought through what they actually believe. So you know, and can share with them in simple logic, let's look at the JW message.

The one GOD, who lives in heaven somewhere near the planet Paladies is known to them by the name "Jehovah". At a point in time, Jehovah created a "secondary" god known in the heavens as the Archangel Michael. He was also know as "Jesus", when he came to earth. This god /Archangel Michael was responsible under Jehovah's direction to create everything else in the universe.

When the baby Jesus was to be born on earth the "life force" (whatever that is) was transferred to the baby Jesus and Michael ceased to exist. This JW Jesus grew up, and at about age 30 began his ministry. Only at age 30 was he "Jesus Christ". About three years later he was crucified on a stake, (not a cross) and died and was buried in a tomb. While there his body was dissolved into gasses, and disappeared forever. The earthly JW Jesus Christ ceased to exist, but his "life force" was transferred somehow back to the Archangel Michael again in heaven.

A few days later Michael materialized a body, and appeared to the disciples. He made this "spirit body" look like Jesus so they would know he had been resurrected from the dead. Shortly after he returned back to heaven where he remained until he was supposed to return to earth in 1874.

When this date failed, Old Testament Biblical dates were invented by the JW's, and it was figured out it was really to be sometime before 1914 for his actual return. When Christ failed to show up on their date, it was adjusted to sometime after 1914. Not wanting to admit they were false prophets, they got "new light" that Christ had returned "invisibly" in 1914. During this time the leadership claimed to be getting revelations from God via angels. and all the time they claimed their organization was the only true religion on earth directed by God.

Somehow the President of the organization, now Judge Rutherford, was getting more messages at the same time. In 1929 he wrote a book called "Prophecy" and on page 65 he claimed he had "absolute scriptural proof" that Christ had really come back in 1874. This book was faithfully sold to the public until about 1953. By then 1874 had been trashed and replaced with 1914.

Today, every JW overlooking all this confusion, will claim Christ returned invisibly in 1914, and is supposed to come again at the time of Armageddon. Just recently they also stopped teaching Christ would come within one generation of 1914. Time ran out on them again.

This biblical event of Armageddon has been proclaimed by this non-prophet group to occur in 1874, 1879, 1914, 1925, the 1940s, 1975, 2000, and now, "any day". This group, who claims to be speaking for God as His only mouthpiece on earth, has indeed a very poor record. The Bible calls such ones "false prophets".

What is their hope for the future? Ask any JW today and they will tell you Armageddon could come any day now, and if you are not a member of their organization you will not have any hope of surviving. All non-JW's will be annihilated, zapped into non- existence. For those who have obeyed every rule of the organization, put in lots of time in the door-to-door work, promoted their books, solicited donations, and attended five weekly meetings--they just may survive armageddon into a demolished world.

If so, it will be their job to clean up all the rubble left, bury the dead (almost 6 billion corpses) repopulate the world, and obey the rules set out by the 144,000 JWs who were good enough to really get to heaven. At the same time they must preach the WT gospel to all who never heard the WT message before armageddon who will be resurrected (re-created from Jehovah's memory) during a 1000-year period. Any rebellion to these leaders, or anyone failing to accept the WT message during this time, will result in their being immediately annihilated.

At the end of this 1000-year period, JW's believe Satan will be let loose and will deceive many, who will also be destroyed utterly. Those JW's who survive the 1000- year period will enter "eternity", but will still be subject to all these rules. They will never have "eternal life" as any rebellion will result in a zap, and everlasting destruction.

If you think this is a strange and peculiar "gospel". you are right. Anyone with even limited knowledge of the Christian faith will recognize this is NOT the Bible message.

Jehovah's Witnesses have the wrong Jesus Christ, and a wrong view of salvation, and a wrong view of death and the resurrection.

Next time you are talking to a JW ask him what his hope really is. Explain the above to him, and try to get him to admit that this is the hope presented by the WT organization. Most have never looked at the whole picture all at once and seen it as it really is, slavery for all eternity to the Watchtower organization. Remind him that if he has the wrong Jesus Christ, then he is wrong for all eternity. Share your own testimony of a relationship with a loving Savior and what Christ means to you.



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