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The Witness Goes Out

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If you are a baptized member of the Watchtower Society and wish to leave for whatever reason in order to protect your character and to voice a protest of your experience with the WTS we would suggest you resign officially.

This sample letter of disassociation is only a suggested document and may be expanded on as you wish. It is suggested it be sent registered mail to the local congregation and also to Brooklyn NY headquarters. You may also wish to send copies to other members in the congregation and make them aware of the real reasons you are leaving.


Board of Elders

(address etc.)




I .............................................................................of .......(address)........................................



in the (state/province) of.....................................do hereby make the following declaration:



(1) That the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society teaches doctrines contrary to The Word of God.


(2) That Jesus Christ is my Mediator and not the Watchtower or any other man made organization.


(3) That The Watchtower Organization is Guilty of being a false prophet.


(enter any other points you may wish to make)


I therefore declare my separation and withdrawal from said Watchtower Organization in obedience to 11 Corinthians 6:17 which says in part "get out from among them and be ye separate". I therefore declare the authority of the Watchtower Organization of any of it's representatives is hereby broken and shall forever be null and void with respect to me.

The Watchtower Organization and Jehovah's witnesses are also notified that no official visits, telephone calls or correspondence are to be made to my residence; any attempt to do so shall be consider.ed trespassing or harassment and will be dealt with legally.

The Watchtower and it's representatives are further forbidden to disfellowship or slander my name or person in any way. This letter only may be read publicly provided that it is read in it's entirety.

Finally I declare myself free to serve my Creator according to the dictates of my own conscience, observing the counsel of the Holy Scriptures; according to the guarantees of the

Constitution of The United States or America. (change as required)





This ........day of...............20......



(witnessed by)


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