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(JW Child custody cases)

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Beware of Power of Attorney

in JW Hands!


The Jehovah's Witnesses are very clever and conniving in some respects,

especially in matters of child custody and treatment of the elderly.

Warnings are sorely needed


We have attempted to inform the public, by every means available, of the danger to families from child custody cases and treatment of the elderly. Our mail from these family victims would break your heart!

Our most recent case involved an elderly man with one daughter. She knew the Jehovah's Witnesses were calling and "keeping her father company". His sisters knew also, but did not sense any danger in the "visits". It was only at his death that the full extent of the "can of worms" was revealed.

The daughter believed she had power of attorney over his affairs and possession of his will. When she tried to deal with his affairs after his death, she found his bank accounts virtually empty with "hundreds of thousands" of dollars missing.

Upon investigation, she found that the Jehovah's Witness Elders were in possession of a Power of Attorney supposedly signed by her Father, dated after hers, and they had pillaged his assets prior to his death.

The daughter is not convinced that the signature on the Power of Attorney is even her Father's, as it is so shaky and unlike his normal writing. They took legal steps immediately to freeze his few remaining assets, and the whole matter is now in the hands of the Court. The family is devastated and betrayed. The JW's are smug and self-righteous, and very pleased with themselves.

If true to form, the JW's are usually careful to have an independent assessment that the victim is of "sound mind" at the signing of their Power of Attorney. Sadly, they usually win these cases and hang onto the ill-gotten funds. We wish this family well, but are not hopeful for them.

Again this week in our mail was an update from a father who left the Jehovah's Witnesses and was forced into a divorce by his JW wife for his actions. Thankfully we had prepared him to go into court.

He really didn't believe us that the JW's would supply "eye witnesses" who were prepared to swear under oath that he was a sexual abuser of his children, which was unthinkable to him. The unthinkable happened, but his lawyer had information on how Jehovah's Witnesses, under instruction from the elders, are geared up for "justified lying" and "theocratic warfare" in order to have the child remain with his JW mother. He was prepared with good character witnesses himself, and information to show the JW tactics out of their own literature, and the court ended up awarding him temporary custody of his son.

Another man with joint custody of his young daughter was surprised to find in her possession a Watchtower- supplied Identity card. The JW ex-wife's phone number and address were on the card right beside the name and address of a local elder, both of whom could decide if the child needed a blood transfusion. The father was not mentioned as a relative, or as one who should be contacted in a medical emergency. He fought back over this situation.

He explained that the JW elders (including the one named on the card) were fully aware of the joint-custody arrangement for the child. As he said, "...they presumptuously tried to run me over as her father and legal guardian by assigning an elder as a health care agent in behalf of my daughter".

The Father took the matter to Court and got a ruling that he had to be contacted in the event of a medical emergency. The health care card the daughter carries must now have both his name and the name of his wife on it.

All these cases point to the need for the public to be informed about the tactics of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Families, protect your elderly members! They are targets easily found by the JW's in the door-to-door work. Once they believe the JW's are the true followers of God, they are easily convinced that Jehovah would not be pleased to see their assets go to unbelieving (worldly) family members. They could be found by God to be "unfaithful", if this happened!

The elderly come to believe that Jehovah would be pleased to have the "kingdom work" furthered by their estates. Since their "salvation" depends on their "good works" , and they probably don't have the strength to go out preaching, this is the way to earn God's favor!

They are told that the kingdom work is urgent, so why wait for death, when they could be found in God's favor right away?

Enter the Power of Attorney, all neat and legal, the rapid moving of funds, and the bewildered family being informed months later.

That is why we are doing our best to sound the warning before it is too late. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security that all is well, when its not. Friends, please pass this warning on!

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