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Some suggestions and ideas for witnessing

to those involved in cult groups.....

* You may want to copy and print this article and have it available next time they come to your door.

Over the years when we have been trying to communicate with people involved in cult groups we have tried many different methods, scripture, their old literature, common sense, logic etc. With some people you may have to try several methods to get their attention and hopefully you can get through to them.

In essence what you are trying to do is get them to THINK on their own and use their God given mind to discern truth from error. No one likes to know they have been lied to. Once they can see they have been deceived then they are open to examine all the evidence and come free of the mind control of the cult group.

Just recently we became involved not only with a tragic JW, wife and child getting involved, husband resisting, (JW's move the wife and child away from the family home story) but also with a couple of Mormons as well. At first I was trying to give the JW's husband ideas to penetrate the wife's involvement, she had been overwhelmed by the JW's pressure and faulty logic. I proposed some of the following to our Mormon friends as well.

At this time he is not allowed to visit his wife and child alone (there has to be a JW on hand at all times) I felt there could possibly be an opportunity to try and expose the mind control of the JW's to his wife and perhaps get her to THINK for herself. Keep in mind this had to be communicated to the husband by phone and fax several hundred miles away. He had to agree to have a "bible" study with them to even get to see his wife and child.

I sent the following list of questions so that he could innocently ask the JW's and try and get their comments. I also suggested that they each have a copy and write down their answers and give them back to him. Or at least he should record their responses to each question. If you try this approach adapt it to the people you are with and introduce the topic in a way you are comfortable.

Victims Husband to the JW's and his wife on hand......or perhaps the next JW that drops by your home and wants to have a "Bible Study" with you.

I have been thinking about a lot of things and..... Now first before we get into any kind of a Bible study I would like to ask a few serious questions. I want you and to give me honest answers to each of these questions following.

Please circle the Yes or No reply. I would like and each person to give me a copy back. (or you record yourself their replies.)

TRY AND GET THEM COMMITTED (verbally and or in writing)

You want me and my wife and family to join or be part of your group.

Is it reasonable for me to ask a few serious questions about your group before we start any kind of a bible study?

Yes or No

I want to make sure that any religious group or even the Watchtower Society is of God before I commit myself, my family my time and finances. This is an important issue to me, it may influence our eternity.

Would this be correct for me to want to know this?

Yes or No

In your magazines you claim it is a good idea for a person to check out their "religion" and see if it is from God or not. Is this correct?

Yes or No

Would you agree, if a religion, group, person, or organization claimed to be "speaking for God" they would have to be open for examination for all to see if their claim is true or not?

Yes or No

Is it possible for religious groups to deceive innocent people?

Yes or No

Could you give me examples of some groups who you think were or are deceiving people ?


How could we test their claims for truth or error? ..............................................................

tell me......................................................................

Have you personally checked out any of these other groups you just mentioned?

Yes or NO

If yes how much time did you spend, hours, days etc .............. and can you say honestly you did an independent examination on these groups without influence from them or anyone else?

Yes or NO

If a group was truly from God there would be no problem with honest examinations and it would be encouraged by the group?

Yes or No

Also any examination of this groups history would oe should be open for all to see and all their teachings would be in total harmony with the bible.

Yes or No

Do you encourage such examination of the Watchtower Society?

Yes or NO

I want to know the truth. Would you help me in obtaining information from the WTS so I could examine things that I want to know for myself?

Yes or NO

First I want to know about the actual history of the organization that you represent. (WTS) When did it begin?

Tell me.....................................................................

Who was the founder? ........................................Have you ever examined personally any of his teachings or read his early writhings?

Yes or No.

Do the early teachings totally agree with the bible and what you teach today?

Yes or No.

If not, and if they were from God in the beginning who made the changes to the current teachings?.

............. ...............................................

If they were wrong then could they change again in the future?

Yes or No.

What would or will happen to those that believed the errors before the changes? ........................

What was the founders past history and background?......................

Was he involved with any other group previously

Yes or No If so who / which?.............................................

How did he come up with this new message so different from the other churches? .........................

Where did his ideas come from?...................................................

What can you tell me of his early training in biblical studies?.............................................

You obviously believe the Watchtower Society is from God. What makes you so sure that it alone is the only group on earth speaking for God?..................

Other groups claim the same things. How do you know for sure which one is correct? ....................

Has the Watchtower Society ever taught something and then changed it to something else.

Yes or No

The Watchtower leaders have claimed they get their messages from angels direct from God.

How do you know if this is true or not? ........................................

If the messages the angels brought to the leaders have changed since the first messages how could this be from God?

Could it be careless angels or someone else?..................................

Would you go to a brain surgeon for a brain operation if he wouldn't tell you his name and qualifications?

Yes or NO

Could you tell me the names and qualifications of the translators of the New World Translation?

If not why not? ................................

I would like to know before I trust their works.

Please list their names.........................................

What are your thoughts about "Spirit Mediums" and horoscopes? Would you believe anything they said?

Yes or No

Should Christians avoid having anything to do with them?

Yes or No

Would you want to be involved with groups that do?

Yes or NO

Why does did the WT quote as an authority from the works of spirit mediums? .................................

Why did they in the past use horoscopes? Please explain.......................

If they are not aware of this, the documentation is available.

The Watchtower Society has made many prophecies and predictions about the end of the world coming. In 1874, 1914, 1915, 1925, 1941, 1975, 2000. to name a few. Obviously they were wrong. If they were wrong about these dates how can I be sure of what you say will happen in the future?


Also as you know I have agreed to, or would like to have a bible study with you. However I want to make sure we all understand that I would like to use bible ONLY and no other books or materials will be discussed or involved in the beginning. I would like to use several versions of the Bible other than the New World Translation until you get me the names of the translators. I prefer or would like to start in the New Testament perhaps in John.

Have I asked anything above that you feel that God would object to?

Yes or NO

Please give me or collect written answers to all the Yes or No questions. (Or you have made a copy for yourself)

Before we go further I would like your thoughts on the following.

The five people below each had similar experiences.

All claimed basically the same things.

How would YOU personally determine which one if any was correct.

On what basis of "truth" would you make your choice ?

By feelings. Can you trust feelings?

By what they said? If so, by what standard?

What if it was different and not in agreement with the Bible?

Or judged by the Word of God the Bible?

In the period between 1820's - 1980's 5 people came on the scene in the U.S., four within a couple of hundred miles of each other, Ellen G. White, Mary Baker Eddy, C.T. Russell, Joseph Smith and Herbert W. Armstrong.

(There are lots more even today making the same claims)


All had similar experiences with the "Lord",

all claimed special revelations from God,

all made prophecies in "the name of the Lord",

(almost all were false, only one false prophecies makes a false prophet)

all started successful religious groups,

all had thousands of followers, (some millions)

all are still revered as "true prophets of God,

all claimed a special understanding of scriptures,

all published volumes of books etc.

all these groups are still active,

all claimed the bible was not complete,

all claimed that their writings superseded scripture,

all went against the bible warning to "not go beyond what is written".

all had a different message,

almost all their followers are scared and forbidden to examine the early history of their churches etc. etc, ad nausea.

There is no simple sure fire way to reach people in cult groups. It takes time, prayer and the intervention of the Holy Spirit to convict people of the danger and error they are in.

We as Christians can and should always be ready to share our faith with those who are lost. They need our love and attention.

The ideas I have shared above can be adapted to fit any cult group. I can not guarantee they will work but if you can get them to honestly examine their group the Holy Spirit can open their eyes and set them free.

If any of you try this approach with your friends let us know if you have any success. Adapt them as you wish to suit the occasion.

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