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Need help ordering? Email us at: mmoutreach@gmail.com --- 250-504 -5214 --- FAX: 250-505-5215

For order questions email us at: mmoinfo@gmail.com



MM Outreach Web Edition.


Our complete Web on CD, Includes as well, several years issues of our magazine "News & Views" in the World of the Cults plus 100's of pages of articles many that are not on the web.

Bonus Plus! It now includes all the .mp3 audio files below from our Audio CD listed below.

All articles may be copied and printed or saved in your Word Processor format for quick reference.

This CD is in the "html" format and can be navigated the same as this website only faster. Works with both Mac's & PC's. (See link for ordering above)

AUDIO CD's - Teaching & Testimonies

2 CD's -- over 90 titles.

Over 90 hrs of the best and most interesting testimonies and teaching sessions from over the years at the "JW's Now for Jesus" convention in PA plus many other audios dealing with Mormons, SDAs etc. from other sources.

These mp3 audio files will play on most all Mac & PC computers, portable mp3 players and late model DVD players with mp3 compatable.

See link for ordering near top of page (2 CDs)

Note lower prices on all CD's below!


Watchtower Claims

and Prophecies Documentation.

Scanned in copies in PDF format documenting the WT's blunders on these topics:

1874, 1914, 1925, 1975, 1999, Blood Questions, Examining the Trinity Booklet (WT), Nazi Connections, Prophecies of the WT, Was Russell a Mason?, The WT Charter.

These are the most uesful topics when dealing with JW's and trying

to prove your point on the topic.

See link for ordering near top of page.



The Dictionary of WT Documents CD



All your favorite JW topics on one CD

Click here to see how it works.


One of the most helpfull CD's for finding the "hot" topics you need to witness to JW's.


1874, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, 1999, Apostates, Attacking the Church, Authority, Beth Sarim, Bible Errors, Bible Study, Biography of Pastor Russell, Birthdays, Blood, Charles Taze Russell, Christmas, Cross, Deity of Jesus Christ, Disfellowship, Examining Your Beliefs, Faithful & Discreet Slave, False Prophets, Flag, Generation of 1914, Gods, Greber, Hate, Heaven, Hell, Holidays, Holy Spirit, Independent Thinking, Jehovah, Marriage,

Memorial, Michael (the archangel), New Covenant, Neutrality, New Light, Organization JW, Organ Transplants, Pleiades (Where Jehovah lives in a spiritual Body), Political Involvement, Prophets, Pyramid, Racism, Resurrection, Sodom (and Gomorrah), Salvation, Soul Sleep, Superior Authorities, Trinity, Truth, Unity, Vaccinations, Watchtower Literature, World War One, World War Two, Worship of Jesus Christ

See link for ordering near top of page.

No black edges! Clean copies.

The Topics are taken from David Reed's book Index of Watchtower Errors.

The quotes are typed out for easy word searching from each document according to its Topic. Or if you are not sure which Topic it may come under, then just do a word search. The search engine will find the word or words in each quote and you can make your choice. Either way when you have found your document and quote, click and you get the imaged document to read. Print at will. What could be simpler?

When witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses, what could be a more direct challenge to their claims of being the ONLY TRUE CHURCH? Just pop in the CD and print! A genuine Watchtower publication! Not a counter cult source that they will never look at! Or a reproduction in some anti-JW book! One look at the cover and they are out the door!

Click here for USA orders of CDs. Click here for Canada and overseas orders of CDs.

Need help ordering? Email us at: mmoutreach@gmail.com --- 250-504 -5214 --- FAX: 250-505-5215

For order questions email us at: mmoinfo@gmail.com

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