MacGregor Ministries

MacGregor Ministries

Lorri and Keith MacGregor’s resignation letter

For information on Lorri and Keith’s retirement and their resignation from MM Outreach, click on this page.

MacGregor Ministries is now known as MM Outreach

You have reached the web page formerly known as MacGregor Ministries.

Our products

All of MacGregor Ministries products are still for sale on our web site at  Click here for products for sale to the USA.  Click here for products for sale to Canada and Overseas.

Original Articles

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For all of the articles that were up on, they are all still available at

History of MacGregor Ministries

See the MacGregor Ministries history page here.

5 thoughts on “MacGregor Ministries

  1. Just wanted to know your background and your familiarity with the Bible. What is your hope? Were you a Jehovah’s Witness? What’s your take on world affairs and how does it coincide with the Holy writings? What about the current climate of religion in general?
    Thanks and look to hear from you.


  2. To:

    Dear MM Outreach,

    I know that you have done wonderful work exposing the seventh-Day Adventists.

    I know that you know that Ben Carson, who is surging in the Polls, is a Seventh Day Adventist. A large percentage of Evangelicals think the SDA is just another Christian denomination.

    I am sure you have your own questions for Dr. Ben Carson. Here are mine:

    “Dr Carson, since you are a Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) member, do you believe, as does your founder Ellen G. White, that people who don’t tithe are cursed from God?”

    Proof Compiled by Dennis J. Fischer:

    Followup question:

    “Do you agree with your founder, that the U.S. Govt is the Beast in Revelation in the Bible, which you would lead if you become President of the United States?”

    In case you wonder if his views reflect Ellen G. Whites views, here is his response in his own words:

    “ANN (Adventist Interviewer): “Are there ever any times when you feel it’s best to distinguish yourself from the Seventh-day Adventist Church and what it teaches?”

    Ben Carson: No, I don’t.” SOURCE:

    “We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other” Adventist Ministry magazine of October 1981

    He must hold this view because it is the view of Ellen G. White, the founder of this denomination:

    “But while He [God] pronounces a blessing upon those who bring in their tithes, He pronounces a curse upon those who withhold them. VERY RECENTLY I HAD DIRECT LIGHT FROM THE LORD UPON THIS QUESTION,…” Ellen G. White, Seventh-Day Adventist Prophet and Co-Founder, Testimonies to Ministers, p. 60

    You may remember that Carson even proposed tithing as a form of taxation in both Presidential debate.

    I just felt compelled to you alert you and hope you will alert your readers to Dr. Ben Carson the above questions re Carson’s beliefs about tithing and what the SDA believes about America!

    Kindest regards in Christ,

    James Sundquist

  3. Expose adventists for what? Believing in God and tithing, I am an adventist and believed Ben Carson is right. Adventists are Christians also.

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