Main Page

Main Page

Lorri and Keith MacGregor’s resignation letter

For information on Lorri and Keith’s retirement and their resignation from MM Outreach, click on this page.

MacGregor Ministries is now known as MM Outreach

You have reached the web page formerly known as MacGregor Ministries.

Our products

All of MacGregor Ministries products are still for sale on our web site at  Click here for products for sale to the USA.  Click here for products for sale to Canada and Overseas.

Original Articles

For articles from the old MacGregor Ministries site, the web address that starts with has been changed to  The remaining part of the web address remains the same.

For example the web page is now changed to

The web page information remains the same after Just copy the old link and change to

For all of the articles that were up on, they are all still available at

History of MacGregor Ministries

See the MacGregor Ministries history page here.

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